Sunday, July 12, 2009

• Improving user-interface?

What is Improving user-interface of a program which is created using c programming?

• Improving user-interface?
cleaning up the screens you user sees
Reply:There can be two dimensions to this:

1. Organizing the interface: Let me give you an example if you have shifted to a new home and you have all the stuff that is required in the house but still you need a certain level of planning as to how will you arrange things so that house really looks good. Similarly if there are ten elements on the screen you need to figure out what is the best way to make it look clean.

2. Ease of Use: If you take the similar example of you getting into a house with all the stuff now if there is a decision to be made that the refrigerator has to be in a kitchen or in the bedroom. Refrigerator can be anywhere but for the ease of use of the person in the kitchen it makes it suitable to be in kitchen. This discipline of Software Engineering is called as Usability. i,e, no matter how functional your application is what decides its success is its usability if the user finds it tough he wont use it

I think this should answer your question

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